Legal Notice

Sasol Germany GmbH
Anckelmannsplatz 1
20537 Hamburg

Registered with the Hamburg Local Court
Commercial register no.: 78475
VAT ID No.: DE813120753
Managing Director: Dr.-Ing. Thomas Tebroke
Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Christian Schindler

Officer responsible for content:
Sasol Germany GmbH
Anckelmannsplatz 1
20537 Hamburg

Design: STILPUNKT3 Designbüro
Technical implementation: straightup webstudio | Joomla Agency Hamburg


Straße – Fotolia, Urheber: Cmon
jumbo jet-Flugzeug Landung bei Sonnenuntergang – gettyimages, Urheber: sharply_done
Summer road in mountain – Fotolia, Urheber: Iakov Kalinin
background texture of rough asphalt – Fotolia, Urheber: surawutob
Empty yellow traffic sign –, Urheber: tonktiti



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We wish to advise that any and all information available from our website is made available to users strictly “as is” and, to the extent permissible by law, without any guarantee, warranty or liability on our part.